Prisoners, though incarcerated, do not forfeit their constitutional rights. Abuse within prisons—whether it comes in the form of physical violence, denial of medical care, inhumane living conditions, or neglect—violates the basic dignity every person is entitled to under the law. These abuses not only harm the individuals directly affected but also undermine the integrity of our justice system. When prisons fail to protect inmates or actively violate their rights, it is essential to hold these institutions and individuals accountable. Justice demands that every person, regardless of their incarceration status, be treated with humanity and fairness, and I am deeply committed to ensuring those constitutional promises are upheld.
Police misconduct erodes trust in the very system meant to protect us. Whether it involves excessive force, wrongful arrests, racial profiling, or other abuses of power, these actions violate the constitutional rights of individuals and perpetuate systemic injustice. Victims of police misconduct deserve an advocate who will fight for their rights and ensure that those entrusted with enforcing the law are also held accountable under it. Such cases are vital not only for the victims but also for preserving public trust in law enforcement and the principles of equality and justice.
2600 N. 3rd Street
2nd Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17110