Prisoner Advocacy

Attorney Leticia Chavez-Freed has instituted an advocacy program dedicated to people and families who will be or are currently experiencing incarceration and all of its consequences. What can you do when your son, daughter or partner is headed to prison? The very mission of this program is to help imprisoned people get through an incarceration with as much dignity intact so they and their families may look to the future. Chavez-Freed partners with psychiatrists, psychologists, substance use disorder treatment providers, and other specialists throughout the Commonwealth to make sure people serving time in prison have access to the services they need. We ensure that our clients have knowledge about their rights while incarcerated. If those rights are violated, it is critical to have attorneys who can intervene to uphold people’s dignity and ensure fair treatment. We are always ready to step-in and intervene for our clients.


Prisoner advocacy is a critical part of the mission of the Chavez-Freed Law Office. We believe all people, including the incarcerated, deserve high-quality legal representation and advocacy in the face of violations of their most basic rights.

Passionate advocacy for Pennsylvania prisoners

Prisoners rights cases may include addressing:


  • County and state prison conditions
  • Disability rights
  • Conditions and operation of immigration detention facilities
  • Conditions and operation of juvenile facilities
  • Overcrowding
  • Mental and medical healthcare
  • Substance use disorder treatment
  • Use of force on prisoners
  • Re-entry plans
  • Transitioning out of an institutional setting
  • Parolee rights


Everyone has rights that must be honored and upheld, regardless of their background, mistakes they’ve made, or crimes they’ve committed. The Chavez-Freed Law Office serves as a tireless advocate for the incarcerated. We are prepared to stand up for the rights of all people serving sentences and to fight back in the face of mistreatment, poor conditions, and abuse.

Contact us today to learn more about how we will pursue justice on your behalf.